Monday, May 4, 2015

Women Are Cheating More Than Men - Infidelity and Mother's Day

Women Are Cheating More Than Men - Infidelity and Mother's Day

Unfortunately, infidelity is occurring at an alarming rate. Both Men and Women are doing it, some are married & some are in relationships.

Several years ago I was a guest on News4Jax, with Nikki Kimbleton, when we did our Valentine's Day Cheater's Special. Around that time infidelity was about 50/50. You can view this episode here The Morning Show, Valentines Cheater Special

A few years ago while I was a guest on The Lex and Terry Radio Show, we discussed a few topics and one was infidelity and I was asked, "who cheats more". From my experience at that point in time, the women were cheating more than men at about a 60% / 40% rate. You can hear this episode here Private Investigator Joshua Askew on the Legendary Lex & Terry LIVE Radio Show

As of today, the women are still increasingly cheating more than men. Currently at about 80% & 20% respectively! We rarely get an infidelity case anymore where the man is the one cheating.

So what causes this to occur and how do we fix it? It seems that people just do not care anymore. They do not stick to being honest, trustworthy or have any integrity what so ever. One partner works long hours and the other does not get the attention they "feel" they want or deserve. Once they get enough of that, they go astray. Now that is just one example of many we have heard.

So does that make it right? Absolutely NOT! You joined into this marriage for better and for worse remember? I remember those lines, I also conduct wedding ceremonies, and I know you remember them too!

During the Lex and Terry show we also discussed how Valentine's Day is the number one day to cheat followed by Christmas as the second most popular day to cheat. "Why is that," asked Terry. Simply put, it is a holiday that you have to get a gift for your spouse and your boyfriend / girlfriend. It is a time when families and lovers want to spend time together and those are the best times to catch them cheating.

Another great factor in this day in age is social media. Social media websites are making it not just easier and easier to cheat, but it provides a way to live a totally different lifestyle and allows you to appear to be someone else and spy on your ex's, look up old flings or find that old high school sweet heart. And then, it begins to become more. Remember, they are ex's for a reason! See more on this episode from News4Jax Jacksonville Private Investigator Joshua Askew on News4Jax - Facebook and Relationships

Now this brings me to the main reason I started writing this blog today. And it has to do with this New York Post article - My husband forgot flowers on Mother's day, so I had sex with someone else. I mean really ladies? What is up with that? 

Ann, as she goes by in the article, is 42 years old and married. Ann continues on by saying she signed up on Ashley Madison and in no time she was having sex with a married man...and then more men to follow. She claims things started going south after having kids and that her husband Derek is always tired and unmotivated. 

Now lets look at this, not all men will always be tired...just like all women will not always have headaches. But why is he tired? Is he working 60, 80, 90 hours a week and providing for the family. Is that also why he is not motivated? How can you work together to help BOTH of you out to change this? There are options and cheating is not the one.

While we at JMA also conduct these investigations, we also provide suggestions for counseling and getting help to save the marriage. Sometimes both husband and wife need that wake up and need reality to hit in order to work things out. Other times, one or both are absolutely done. Whatever your decision, both of you should talk to someone, be it on of our Investigators on your case or a counselor. Do not let it eat away at you and cause you future problems in your next relationship or marriage.

Mother's Day is less than a week away - May 10th. If you suspect your spouse is cheating on or after Mother's Day or any day for that matter, give us a call at 904-813-1710. Our phones are answered 24/7/365.

I also want to provide a few website links for you to consider if you or your spouse/lover is cheating.

First and foremost, read your Bible King James Bible Online

and seek counseling

is a Jacksonville, FL based Private Investigative Firm that serves clients 
anywhere in the state of Florida. 

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