Monday, August 24, 2015

Ashley Madison - The updates, The Law Suits, The Government Workers Involved

Ashley Madison - The Updates, The Law Suits

and The Government Workers Involved

Blog By: JMA Investigative Services, Inc.  8/24/15

On July 20th, 2015 I shared with you (on this same blog) that the website for married cheaters, Ashley Madison, had been hacked. This site was hacked by "The Impact Team" and threats were made to release the information of the users. Ashley Madison's website owner "Avid Media" denied the claims. See here

The following week during my radio show, Inside The Investigation, we discussed this hack and the damage it would do to many people. I mentioned during the show that several government workers in Washington were scrambling because of this hack. You can hear this show in our archives at

Now, as of today, two law firms in Canada have launched a $578 million class-action lawsuit against Ashley Madison — saying they were doing so on behalf of “all Canadians” who have been affected by the hack that exposed millions of cheaters worldwide.

This data breach is estimated at 39 million users. And the Impact Team has proven a major point. Nothing is fully secure AND Ashley Madison and sites like it can be exposed at any time. Shame on you married folks!

Then there is the story of Jim (who did not want to use his last name), a Midwestern business owner. Jim entered counseling to try to save his 15 year marriage. He says his marriage has been ruined by the Ashley Madison website. Not by his use, but his wife's use of the website.

Jim became his own detective after discovering his wife was not going to Costco, but was going to a former Marine's house to have sex with him.

Jim's wife later shared everything with him and Jim dug deeper. Jim created another profile on Ashley Madison as his wife. He made contact with users claiming he (she) had to make a new profile. He received a picture of a man's penis right away.

This tactic worked so well, he even uncovered a prominent attorney (who was also married) and with fear of exposure, Jim obtained more damaging evidence against his wife.

Speaking of prominent attorneys...Remember Jeffrey Ashton? Jeffrey Ashton is married and is the State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Florida., He was part of the team that tried Casey Anthony in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Reports show Jeffrey Ashton's Ashley Madison profile states “I am looking for someone who has fantasies we can act out." and “A big toy collection” would be a plus.

It just continues to get bigger and bigger. Now with the Justice Department, FBI and NYPD investigating the use of their systems by government employees that accessed the Ashley Madison website, concerns of blackmale are starting to come out of the wood work.

Tune into tomorrow's show at 6pm Eastern as we will touch on the Ashley Madison hack again.

We welcome callers on the air and questions or comments 646-668-2693.

Listen LIVE here

If you suspect your spouse or significant other is cheating, contact our office today! 

We have several options available to assist in locating information and obtaining the evidence you need to confirm your suspicions. 

Remember, your gut feeling is right 95% of the time!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.

FL Lic# A 2700485

904-813-1710 or 800-921-4394


 #TeamJMA #AshleyMadison #AshleyMadisonHack #InsideTheInvestigation #JMAPI #JMA Investigative Services, Inc.

Monday, July 20, 2015

***BREAKING*** Sexual Fantasies Exposed along with Cheaters / Infidelity Exposed…

Sexual Fantasies Exposed along with Cheaters / Infidelity Exposed…don’t forget personal information and nude photos!

July 20th, 2015

Breaking news this afternoon, the dating website, Ashley Madison, that helps married people cheat has been hacked!

A hacker..or hackers...calling themselves "The Impact Team" hacked the site claiming the site has made millions from users by lying to them about "full profile deletion" (A $19 fee) and they are threatening to prove them wrong.

The Impact Team claims they have obtained customers information, sexual fantasies and even nude photos! 

According to a blogger who first reported the hack, Brian Krebs, the hackers are threatening to release all of the websites customer records if the website is not shut down.

The websites parent company, Avid Media, states ”At this time, we have been able to secure our sites, and close the unauthorized access points. We are working with law enforcement agencies, which are investigating this criminal act."

This hack is also similar to the Adult Friend Finder hack in March when 3.5 million people's sexual preferences, fetishes and secrets were exposed!

Included in the hacked information are customers' email addresses, user names, passwords, birthdays and zip codes, in addition to their sexual preferences.

If you suspect your spouse or significant other is cheating, contact our office today! 

We have several options available to assist in locating information and obtaining the evidence you need to confirm your suspicions. 

Remember, your gut feeling is right 95% of the time!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.

FL Lic# A 2700485

904-813-1710 or 800-921-4394




#TeamJMA #AshleyMadison #AshleyMadisonHack #PrivateInvestigator #Investigator #Infidelity #Blogger #InsideTheInvestigation #Cheaters #Exposed #NudePhotos #SexualFantasies

Links to sources:

Friday, June 5, 2015

Massive data breach could affect every federal agency

China-based hackers are suspected once again of breaking into U.S. government computer networks


By Ken Dilanian and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — China-based hackers are suspected once again of breaking into U.S. government computer networks, and the entire federal workforce could be at risk this time.
The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management — the human resources department for the federal government — and the Interior Department had been compromised.
"The FBI is conducting an investigation to identify how and why this occurred," the statement Thursday said.

The hackers were believed to be based in China, said Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican.
Collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the breach was "yet another indication of a foreign power probing successfully and focusing on what appears to be data that would identify people with security clearances."

But in Beijing Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry dismissed the allegations.
A spokesman for the ministry, Hong Lei said at a regular news briefing that Beijing hopes the U.S. would be "less suspicious and stop making any unverified allegations, but show more trust and participate more in cooperation."

Beijing routinely dismisses any allegation of its official involvement in cyberattacks on foreign targets, while invariably noting that China is itself the target of hacking attacks and calling for greater international cooperation in combating hacking.

"We know that hacker attacks are conducted anonymously, across nations, and that it is hard to track the source," Hong said. "It's irresponsible and unscientific to make conjectural, trumped-up allegations without deep investigation."

A U.S. official, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the data breach, said the breach could potentially affect every federal agency. One key question is whether intelligence agency employee information was stolen. Former government employees are affected as well.

The Office of Personnel Management conducts more than 90 percent of federal background investigations, according to its website.

The agency said it is offering credit monitoring and identity theft insurance for 18 months to individuals potentially affected. The National Treasury Employees Union, which represents workers in 31 federal agencies, said it is encouraging members to sign up for the monitoring as soon as possible.

In November, a former DHS contractor disclosed another cyberbreach that compromised the private files of more than 25,000 DHS workers and thousands of other federal employees.
Cybersecurity experts also noted that the OPM was targeted a year ago in a cyberattack that was suspected of originating in China. In that case, authorities reported no personal information was stolen.

Chinese groups have persistently attacked U.S. agencies and companies, including insurers and health-care providers, said Adam Meyers, vice president for intelligence at Irvine, California-based CrowdStrike, which has studied Chinese hacking groups extensively.

The Chinese groups may be looking for information that can be used to approach or compromise people who could provide useful intelligence, Meyers said. "If they know someone has a large financial debt, or a relative with a health condition, or any other avenues that make them susceptible to monetary targeting or coercion, that information would be useful."

One expert said hackers could use information from government personnel files for financial gain. In a recent case disclosed by the IRS, hackers appear to have obtained tax return information by posing as taxpayers, using personal information gleaned from previous commercial breaches, said Rick Holland, an information security analyst at Forrester Research.

"Given what OPM does around security clearances, and the level of detail they acquire when doing these investigations, both on the subjects of the investigations and their contacts and references, it would be a vast amount of information," Holland added.

DHS said its intrusion detection system, known as EINSTEIN, which screens federal Internet traffic to identify potential cyberthreats, identified the hack of OPM's systems and the Interior Department's data center, which is shared by other federal agencies.

It was unclear why the EINSTEIN system didn't detect the breach until after so many records had been copied and removed.

"DHS is continuing to monitor federal networks for any suspicious activity and is working aggressively with the affected agencies to conduct investigative analysis to assess the extent of this alleged intrusion," the statement said.

Cybersecurity expert Morgan Wright of the Center for Digital Government, an advisory institute, said EINSTEIN "certainly appears to be a failure at this point. The government would be better off outsourcing their security to the private sector where's there at least some accountability."

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., said the government must overhaul its cybersecurity defenses. "Our response to these attacks can no longer simply be notifying people after their personal information has been stolen," he said. "We must start to prevent these breaches in the first place."

What Happened?

On June 4, 2015, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that a cybersecurity incident occurred that may have compromised the personal information of current and former Federal employees.

Who Is Affected?

Four million current and former Federal employees.

Potential Threats

At this point, the OPM has only described the compromised employee data as “Personally Identifiable Information.”

Provides Coverage for Victims

OPM states that between June 8 and continuing through June 19 notifications will be sent to individuals whose information was potentially compromised in this incident. The email will come from and it will contain information regarding identity theft services to be provided by CSID. Those notified will have access to an 18-month membership which will provide credit report access, credit monitoring, identity theft insurance, and recovery services.  In the event OPM does not have an email address for the individual on file, a standard letter will be sent via the U.S. Postal Service.


• “With your LegalShield identity theft plan in place, you don’t have to panic and worry like most people do. We are monitoring your identity, and licensed investigators are available to restore your identity if yours is compromised.”

• “These are just the basics. If you’d like to know more about it, please take advantage of your membership and call a representative at Kroll. Here’s the number: 888-494-8519.”


• In light of this breach—and the many others in the news recently—I invite you to enhance your coverage right now so you don’t have to lose any sleep over who’s watching out for your personal information. You can learn more and sign up to protect your family by visiting now! is a division of JMA Investigative Services, Inc.

Reminder to Members

Scammers may try to use this event to trick people into giving up personal information.

• Consider Placing Fraud Alerts

If you feel you may be impacted by this breach, you have the right by federal law to place fraud alerts with the three national credit reporting agencies (CRAs). Here are the numbers:
Equifax: 888-766-0008

Experian: 888-397-3742

TransUnion: 800-680-7289

• Read IDShield Plan Alerts

If you receive an alert from your IDShield Plan and do not recognize the activity as something you authorized, please call 888-494-8519 to speak to an investigator.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Women Are Cheating More Than Men - Infidelity and Mother's Day

Women Are Cheating More Than Men - Infidelity and Mother's Day

Unfortunately, infidelity is occurring at an alarming rate. Both Men and Women are doing it, some are married & some are in relationships.

Several years ago I was a guest on News4Jax, with Nikki Kimbleton, when we did our Valentine's Day Cheater's Special. Around that time infidelity was about 50/50. You can view this episode here The Morning Show, Valentines Cheater Special

A few years ago while I was a guest on The Lex and Terry Radio Show, we discussed a few topics and one was infidelity and I was asked, "who cheats more". From my experience at that point in time, the women were cheating more than men at about a 60% / 40% rate. You can hear this episode here Private Investigator Joshua Askew on the Legendary Lex & Terry LIVE Radio Show

As of today, the women are still increasingly cheating more than men. Currently at about 80% & 20% respectively! We rarely get an infidelity case anymore where the man is the one cheating.

So what causes this to occur and how do we fix it? It seems that people just do not care anymore. They do not stick to being honest, trustworthy or have any integrity what so ever. One partner works long hours and the other does not get the attention they "feel" they want or deserve. Once they get enough of that, they go astray. Now that is just one example of many we have heard.

So does that make it right? Absolutely NOT! You joined into this marriage for better and for worse remember? I remember those lines, I also conduct wedding ceremonies, and I know you remember them too!

During the Lex and Terry show we also discussed how Valentine's Day is the number one day to cheat followed by Christmas as the second most popular day to cheat. "Why is that," asked Terry. Simply put, it is a holiday that you have to get a gift for your spouse and your boyfriend / girlfriend. It is a time when families and lovers want to spend time together and those are the best times to catch them cheating.

Another great factor in this day in age is social media. Social media websites are making it not just easier and easier to cheat, but it provides a way to live a totally different lifestyle and allows you to appear to be someone else and spy on your ex's, look up old flings or find that old high school sweet heart. And then, it begins to become more. Remember, they are ex's for a reason! See more on this episode from News4Jax Jacksonville Private Investigator Joshua Askew on News4Jax - Facebook and Relationships

Now this brings me to the main reason I started writing this blog today. And it has to do with this New York Post article - My husband forgot flowers on Mother's day, so I had sex with someone else. I mean really ladies? What is up with that? 

Ann, as she goes by in the article, is 42 years old and married. Ann continues on by saying she signed up on Ashley Madison and in no time she was having sex with a married man...and then more men to follow. She claims things started going south after having kids and that her husband Derek is always tired and unmotivated. 

Now lets look at this, not all men will always be tired...just like all women will not always have headaches. But why is he tired? Is he working 60, 80, 90 hours a week and providing for the family. Is that also why he is not motivated? How can you work together to help BOTH of you out to change this? There are options and cheating is not the one.

While we at JMA also conduct these investigations, we also provide suggestions for counseling and getting help to save the marriage. Sometimes both husband and wife need that wake up and need reality to hit in order to work things out. Other times, one or both are absolutely done. Whatever your decision, both of you should talk to someone, be it on of our Investigators on your case or a counselor. Do not let it eat away at you and cause you future problems in your next relationship or marriage.

Mother's Day is less than a week away - May 10th. If you suspect your spouse is cheating on or after Mother's Day or any day for that matter, give us a call at 904-813-1710. Our phones are answered 24/7/365.

I also want to provide a few website links for you to consider if you or your spouse/lover is cheating.

First and foremost, read your Bible King James Bible Online

and seek counseling

is a Jacksonville, FL based Private Investigative Firm that serves clients 
anywhere in the state of Florida. 

LIKE us on Facebook and see our updates, announcements and specials!

FL License # A 2700485


Saturday, May 15, 2010

JMA Topic: Child Custody cases involving Injunctions

JMA Topic: Child Custody cases involving Injunctions

You may currently be in the middle of a divorce and/or custody case when all the sudden you are served with a Temporary injunction for protection by your soon to be ex spouse. This happens far too often then it should, but it happens. Most of the time these injunctions are based on hearsay and not actual evidence. At this point there is no need to get upset or angry, but, you must follow the instructions on this injunction or face criminal charges and/or jail time.

I have had clients in the past (and currently) that come to me asking for help regarding their custody case and they become so worried about the injunction. While many believe this creates a problem, it really does not. It simply changes how we approach this obstacle. I will still meet with them and explain the process. This same process that I am going to briefly discuss with you today.

At this point I advise my potential client to retain the services of a reputable attorney and have the attorney contact me when he/she is ready to proceed with our investigation. Once this is completed then all requests, reports, payments, updates, pictures, video, etc go to the attorney and not to the "client," as the "client" is actually the attorney's "client". Therefore, I am working for the attorney and not the "client". This allows the client to still proceed with their initial legal action plans and not worry about going to jail for a violation of injunction. The client then receives updates directly from their attorney. At no point do I release any information to the individual.

You should speak to your attorney about having the injunction dropped as part of your settlement.. Note, settling out of court is the best option if both parties can come to an agreement. This should be your secondary concern, your children being the primary concern.

Are you currently going through a divorce case involving minor children and have been served with an injunction? Are you going through a child custody case and have been served an injunction? JMA can help and we have the experience to handle these situations. Call us today for a FREE no obligation consultation.

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700485

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nanny Cams..What they are. What they can do and how they (nanny cams) and JMA can help!

Recently in Jacksonville, FL Nanny Cams have become a big topic. A local woman, that has been babysitting for over 30 years, was recently arrested. The arrest came after the video from a father's nanny cam was used. The full story can be found here

So what is a Nanny Cam? A Nanny Cam is really a covert / hidden camera that has been used for covert / hidden surveillance. In the last several years these cameras have been used to monitor babysitters / nanny's and therefore the term "Nanny Cam" evolved.

These covert camera's range in size, features and cost. Some covert camera's are so small that you do not have to hide them inside any item, while others are bigger but still hidden within a particular item when you purchase them. These camera's can be wired or wireless, run off batteries or electricity and some even have a built in DVR to record video to. These covert camera's do range in cost but many are affordable for any budget!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc. has the experience and equipment on hand to provide you with examples, knowledge and comfort you are looking for. We are also here to answer any questions you may have.

Give us a call or email today for a FREE consultation!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700285

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

JMA offers DNA Paternity Testing

JMA offers DNA Paternity Testing

Today I want to cover the topic of DNA Paternity Testing. While I was browsing the internet about this topic. I have read over many blogs, forums, etc.

I have noticed that some women absolutely do not like the fact of having a DNA test done at birth. While I was reading over all this information I also found that almost all Men that are "not sure" prefer to have a DNA test done at birth. So why does this cause such a conflict with the mother and potential father?

Example 1, Mother and Father are not married and Father is "not sure" and would like to have a DNA test done before signing the birth certificate. What is wrong with requesting a DNA test? Not a thing!

Example 2, Mother and Father are married and the Father is 90% sure he is the father. Should he request a DNA test? If he is in doubt then absolutely!

Example 3, Mother gives birth but is unsure of the Father. By locating and tracking down the potential Father we can ask that they take a DNA test to confirm that they are or are not the Father. While we, JMA, can not force anyone to take the DNA test, a judge can order the potential Father to take a DNA test.

What we have to keep in mind, regardless if we are the mother or the father, is that we need to make sure the best interest of the child comes first and then the best interest of the Mother AND Father (equally).

While we can not provide any legal advise, I do base my suggestions or comments from my experience in the State of Florida. If you are unsure that you are the father, you do NOT have to sign the birth certificate. You CAN request a DNA test and you CAN have your name added to the birth certificate at a later time. Once you sign your name, you are the responsible for the child even if he/she is not yours. It is always better to be safe then sorry!

Should you have any questions regarding DNA testing please give us a call.

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
FL Lic# A 2700485