Monday, August 24, 2015

Ashley Madison - The updates, The Law Suits, The Government Workers Involved

Ashley Madison - The Updates, The Law Suits

and The Government Workers Involved

Blog By: JMA Investigative Services, Inc.  8/24/15

On July 20th, 2015 I shared with you (on this same blog) that the website for married cheaters, Ashley Madison, had been hacked. This site was hacked by "The Impact Team" and threats were made to release the information of the users. Ashley Madison's website owner "Avid Media" denied the claims. See here

The following week during my radio show, Inside The Investigation, we discussed this hack and the damage it would do to many people. I mentioned during the show that several government workers in Washington were scrambling because of this hack. You can hear this show in our archives at

Now, as of today, two law firms in Canada have launched a $578 million class-action lawsuit against Ashley Madison — saying they were doing so on behalf of “all Canadians” who have been affected by the hack that exposed millions of cheaters worldwide.

This data breach is estimated at 39 million users. And the Impact Team has proven a major point. Nothing is fully secure AND Ashley Madison and sites like it can be exposed at any time. Shame on you married folks!

Then there is the story of Jim (who did not want to use his last name), a Midwestern business owner. Jim entered counseling to try to save his 15 year marriage. He says his marriage has been ruined by the Ashley Madison website. Not by his use, but his wife's use of the website.

Jim became his own detective after discovering his wife was not going to Costco, but was going to a former Marine's house to have sex with him.

Jim's wife later shared everything with him and Jim dug deeper. Jim created another profile on Ashley Madison as his wife. He made contact with users claiming he (she) had to make a new profile. He received a picture of a man's penis right away.

This tactic worked so well, he even uncovered a prominent attorney (who was also married) and with fear of exposure, Jim obtained more damaging evidence against his wife.

Speaking of prominent attorneys...Remember Jeffrey Ashton? Jeffrey Ashton is married and is the State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Florida., He was part of the team that tried Casey Anthony in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Reports show Jeffrey Ashton's Ashley Madison profile states “I am looking for someone who has fantasies we can act out." and “A big toy collection” would be a plus.

It just continues to get bigger and bigger. Now with the Justice Department, FBI and NYPD investigating the use of their systems by government employees that accessed the Ashley Madison website, concerns of blackmale are starting to come out of the wood work.

Tune into tomorrow's show at 6pm Eastern as we will touch on the Ashley Madison hack again.

We welcome callers on the air and questions or comments 646-668-2693.

Listen LIVE here

If you suspect your spouse or significant other is cheating, contact our office today! 

We have several options available to assist in locating information and obtaining the evidence you need to confirm your suspicions. 

Remember, your gut feeling is right 95% of the time!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.

FL Lic# A 2700485

904-813-1710 or 800-921-4394


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