Monday, March 22, 2010

Nanny Cams..What they are. What they can do and how they (nanny cams) and JMA can help!

Recently in Jacksonville, FL Nanny Cams have become a big topic. A local woman, that has been babysitting for over 30 years, was recently arrested. The arrest came after the video from a father's nanny cam was used. The full story can be found here

So what is a Nanny Cam? A Nanny Cam is really a covert / hidden camera that has been used for covert / hidden surveillance. In the last several years these cameras have been used to monitor babysitters / nanny's and therefore the term "Nanny Cam" evolved.

These covert camera's range in size, features and cost. Some covert camera's are so small that you do not have to hide them inside any item, while others are bigger but still hidden within a particular item when you purchase them. These camera's can be wired or wireless, run off batteries or electricity and some even have a built in DVR to record video to. These covert camera's do range in cost but many are affordable for any budget!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc. has the experience and equipment on hand to provide you with examples, knowledge and comfort you are looking for. We are also here to answer any questions you may have.

Give us a call or email today for a FREE consultation!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700285